Monday, 6 January 2014

Hospital worker tweeted plan to shave patient's pubic hair and wear it as Wiggins-style sideburns

A disciplinary hearing has heard how a hospital worker joked on Twitter that he was going to shave a patient's pubic hair and stick it to his face "Wiggins-style".

Paul Nam wrote the tweet on 1 August 2012, the day the Team Sky and GB rider won time trial gold medal at the London Olympics.

The Health and Care Professions Council heard how Nam, who was working as an operating department practitioner with the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, tweeted: 'I was going to save the pubes from the first patient I shaved today and stick them on Wiggins-style'.

Nam resigned ahead of an internal disciplinary hearing in February 2013, reports the Daily Mail.

Nam said there wasn’t a patient associated with the Wiggins tweet, and was simply a joke around the Olympian's famous sideburns. At the time, the Sun offered readers cut-out-and-keep Wiggins sideburns following his victory at the Tour de France.

The tweet – one of a series of inappropriate messages – was blamed on frustration and a lack of career opportunity at the trust.


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