Wednesday, 30 April 2014

In the News: Acquarone tells his side of RCS budget scandal

Ex-Giro director contends he is innocent of charges he stole money — SportsPro Media

Former Giro d’Italia director Michele Acquarone details what happened behind the scenes in the budget scandal at RCS Sport that led to his departure last fall.

On the sports business website SportsPro Media, Acquarone contends he was caught up in behind-the-scenes shenanigans at the Italian media conglomerate. When 13 million euros went missing from company ledgers, someone had to pay, and Acquarone, who vehemently contends his innocence, was the sacrificial lamb.

“In Italy, nobody talked about it. It’s incredible,” Acquarone told SportsPro Media. “I spoke to all the journalists at the important publications and everybody said, ‘No, we don’t talk about it.’ And I said, ‘Come on, the director of the Giro dismissed just like that?’ We had just five directors in the history of the Giro. How can that not be a story? It has to be a story.”

Acquarone, who took over the Giro in 2011, is hoping a police investigation will shed more light on the real story, and he’s hoping to recoup his reputation and professional future.

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